1. Research papers
Criteria for the Participating Papers
- The paper must address one of the Forum topics.
- The paper must not exceed 5,000 words including an abstract of no more than 300 words.
- The paper must be original and must not have been published or presented before.
- The paper must pass the review and selection process.
- Accepted papers will be published in the forum’s proceedings.
Submission Method
To submit an abstract use the abstract template <Download abstract word template>
To submit the full paper use the paper template <Download full paper word template>
To submit the abstract or the full paper, The submission Web page for YUENG2019 is https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=yueng2019
Important Dates for Research Papers
Abstract Deadline: 07/01/2019
Abstract Acceptance Notifications: 14/01/2019
Paper Deadline: 21/1/2019
Decision Notifications: 11/2/2019
Camera Ready Paper: 25/2/2019
2. Working Papers
YUENG is pleased to invite all the government units, organizations, institutions, and authorities to participate in the Al Yamamah University Engineering Forum through working papers in any of the forum’s topics.
Submission Method
YUENG will accept government working papers through the following email: YUENG@yu.edu.sa
Important Dates for working Papers